
I will eat an animal out of spite

Because I am incredibly manly, I just don't go in for cutesy animal videos. So the posting of young otters in love is mitigated by the fact that otters are generally pretty cool, especially those sexy river otters. Those guys just want to have fun, and their coats are terribly sleek (unlike my poo magnet of a cat, Mimi). They rank very high, those river otters, in my Top Ten animals, which I will elaborate on at a later date. Let's just say the orangutan may make a surprise comeback after last year's award ceremony debacle.

Now sea otters, those fat shits, I'm not so into them. Ivan used to do an impression of a sea otter cracking open a clam using a rock for my grandparents when he was maybe five or so. Is it any wonder he turned out the way he did?? Sheesh.

Baffling addendum, that otter clip is like the fifth most blogged about thing in Japan last month. The entire country needs to get out more.

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