
Movie People Suck (except John Malkovich)

What? They do. It's ok, I'm allowed to say it because I am a movie person. But they/we do suck. Especially when they install rain machines on my entire block and light up these giant hanging light blimps (6 of them) outside my window.
Also sucky? 1,000 people standing on my stoop to try to take a photo of George Clooney on their iphones and fail to notice they are pushing past John Malkovich standing in a bathrobe in the middle of the street holding a hatchet. Don't believe me? This is in front of my house last week. Nice way to start my day.


Jennifer Hsu said...

i have to say that this scene actually looks quite lovely to me....

Unknown said...

OK so first all that meat and now you've got the coen bros on your street filming clooney and malkovich in scenes including but not limited to those with hatchets? im kinda jealous. i should probably kick my own ass for being nerdy about coen bros but i like the movies those dudes make. malkovich is one of my favorite actors and well i want to bang clooney (or at least stare at him long enough to properly fantasize baning him) along with the other thousand people on our stoop.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.