I always thought Sigur Ros were either messing with us ("We invented our own Elvin language!") or just pretentious Viking dicks, or both, but I'm not mad at Nordic hippie ladies running through the woods, and this song is a bit more engaging than their usual dirgefest.
Wait, what the hell am I talking about. You know, between the aforementioned Japrocksampler, my own prodigious beardage and this woodland nonsense, one of my friends better shave my head and slap some sense into me before I start a psych band or some shit.
Back at the non-homefront with Little I doing the old You Tube meander, where a harmless excursion into the land of cat bloopers has lead us horribly, horribly astray. Enjoyable for a minute and a half sure, and then a turn for the bizarre in the way that only a homemade Italian gay Jesus parody can be. I like cats.
UPDATE: From the same poster, here's an important update.